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Projects: DelphiSelect, PaydashBoard.(Banking)
Roles: Automation of Web application, Windows application, and API testing, Leading the team. Automation Tools: Automation BDD Frameworks(C#
Selenium,Java, Selenium), Postman(JavaScript), RestAssuard(Java)API automation, Newman. Responsibilities: Understanding the requirements, Framework maintenance, Guiding the Automation team, Test
Plan creation, and problem-solving.

oject: Portfolio management(Wealth Management). Roles: Automation of Web applications, Manual Testing, and
API testing. Automation Tools: Automation BDD Frameworks(Java, Selenium), Cucumber, TestNG. Responsibilities: Understanding the requirements, Scripting
the test cases for APIs and UI automation, Executing the
script & analyzing the execution results, and Defect
reporting,and troubleshooting quality issues .

Project: ATM driver,POS driver. Roles: Automation of Web applications, Manual Testing. Automation Tools: Selenium Webdriver with Java
Responsibilities: Automation test creation and Manual