Functional Analyst Challenge for Positive Thinking Company employees
23/08/2023 tot 17/11/2023
10 minutes

See internal communication

This category of the challenge is ONLY for Positive Thinking Company employees!

You will need a password to start the quiz. Please refer to the internal communication.

If you are a Positive Thinking Company employee, you are free to participate and take a chance of reaching the final!

If you are not a Positive Thinking Company employee, please participate to the other category for all professional Functional Analysts (go back on the main page and select the subchallenge above right).

Jury en ambassadeurs

Maxime Demartin
Project manager
Elisa Gronau
Consultant Business Analyst
Positive Thinking Company SA
Marzouki Chayma
Business Analyst
Positive Thinking Company SA
Jimmy Brouns
Brand Leader
Positive Thinking Company SA
Emilie Hankar
People & Culture Leader
Collaboration Betters The World

You will have 10 minutes to give the correct answer to 15 questions. The questions will be multiple-choice with  only one good answer. The questions will be provided by specialised academics and professionals, who will also be the jury of the Challenge.

A wrong answer or a skipped question results in a score of 0. During the remaining timeframe of max 10 minutes, you can return to a question that you skipped.

In case of a tie, the total response time to the challenge will be taken into account.

The details of your score and your ranking will only be released in your userboard at the end of the Challenge so that the answers cannot be shared among players during the Challenge.

The Challenge runs on a secure platform managed by EDITx.

The following personal data about the participants will be collected by EDITx: first name, last name, address, date of birth, email, telephone/mobile number and Linkedin profile (if present). Personal data are used for the following purposes:

  • To monitor the competition process (to see if everything runs according to the rules)

EDITx shares the personal information of the participants (last name, first name, mobile and email) with, and only with the the company Positive Thinking Company.

Positive Thinking Company, the sponsor of the Challenge will use this information for the following purposes:

  • To contact all participants to share Challenge results (confidentially)
  • To contact the top participants to invite them for the finals