Rôles occupés



Project: Diw@nati
Senior Full Stack Java Developer with a development team of 5 Full Stack Developers, a front-end Designer, and a Technical Architect.
● Feasibility study and needs analysis,
● Drafting of technical and functional specifications and design of the project,
● Production of source code respecting the secure development repository,
● Checking code quality with the Sonar tool,
● Unit, functional, integration and load tests, to ensure the quality of the deliverables,
● Evolutionary and corrective maintenance of bugs and anomalies with the Mantis tool.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 8, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, Angular 7, Bootstrap 4.x, Apache KAFKA, Web Service SOAP/Rest, MySQL /Oracle DBMS, IDE Eclipse, JUnit, Visual Studio Code, WildFly, SVN, Maven, Mantis, Jenkins, SonarQube, Trello
Project: CDO exchange
Senior Full Stack Java Developer working with another Full Stack Developer.
● Feasibility study and needs analysis,
● Drafting of technical and functional specifications and design of the project,
● Production of source code respecting the secure development repository,
● Checking code quality with the Sonar tool,
● Unit, functional, integration and load tests, to ensure the quality of the deliverables,
● Evolutionary and corrective maintenance of bugs and anomalies with the Mantis tool.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 8, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, Angular 7, Bootstrap 4.x, OAuth 2.0, Web Service
SOAP/Rest, IDE Eclipse, JUnit, Visual Studio Code, WildFly, SVN, Maven, Mantis, Jenkins, SonarQube,
Project: Digitalization of access badges
Senior Full Stack Java Developer with a development team of 2 Full Stack Developers.
Digitalization of customs offices access badges, issued to various economic operators. It offers different features
including badge data consultation, creation of badges, duplicates printing, badges renewal, deactivation of a
badge, data history consultation, profiles assignment management, Watch-List management.
● Feasibility study and needs analysis,
● Drafting of technical and functional specifications and design of the project,
● Production of source code respecting the secure development repository,
● Checking code quality with the Sonar tool,
● Unit, functional, integration and load tests, to ensure the quality of the deliverables,
● Evolutionary and corrective maintenance of bugs and anomalies with the Mantis tool.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 5, JSF, Hibernate, Web Service SOAP, MySQL, IDE Eclipse, Ant, Mantis,
JBoss,Junit, SonarQube, Liferay community edition 5, IText,Trello .
Project: Afridouane (Department of Studies and International Cooperation)
Senior Full Stack Java Developer with a development team of 2 Developers.
An online platform that provides requests assistance management which aims the professionalization of support
to African customs.
● Feasibility study and needs analysis,
● Drafting of technical and functional specifications and design of the project,
● Production of source code respecting the secure development repository,
● Checking code quality with the Sonar tool,
● Unit, functional, integration and load tests, to ensure the quality of the deliverables,
● Evolutionary and corrective maintenance of bugs and anomalies with the Mantis tool.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 8, Spring 4.x, Hibernate 4.x, Angular 7, Bootstrap 4.x, Web Service SOAP/Rest,
MySQL /Oracle DBMS, IDE Eclipse, JUnit, Visual Studio Code, WildFly, SVN, Maven, Mantis, Jenkins,
SonarQube, Trello.
Project: Convergence
Full Stack Java Developer in a development team of 2 Full Stack Developers and 2 Business intelligence
Implementation of the BMCE (Moroccan Bank of Foreign Commerce) Group's internal control and risk
management system, as part of the convergence project, where the goal was to set up the BMCE Group's
commitment database, as well as the Automation of the production of management and consolidated credit risk
● Feasibility study,
● Needs analysis and Design,
● Production of documentation,
● Development,
● Functional, unit and integration testing,
● Evolutionary and corrective maintenance.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Java 7, EJB, Hibernate, DevBooster, Business Objects Data Integrator, Sql*Loader,
SVN, WEBSERVICE (SOAP), JBoss, JUnit, Trello.
Project: Euclide
Java Developer in a development team of 4 Software Developers.
Design and development of Euclide software, which is based on GRAILS (JEE Technical Framework). The
Software communicates via web services with the LIMS software package (Laboratory Information Management
System) allowing dynamic management of laboratories Information Systems.
● Support for scalable development
● Analysis and technical design
● Development of specific
● Analysis and correction of anomalies.
● Testing, recipe, and application integration.
TECHNICAL SKILLS: Grails, Groovy, Hibernate, Spring, Maven, JAVA, AJAX, JS Jquery, ORACLE, SVN,
WEBSERVICE (SOAP), Bootstrap, JBoss, JUnit, Spring Tools Suite, Trello.