Challenge Mejor Estudiante de Informática de España 2024
15/09/2024 jusqu'au 21/11/2024
10 minutes

Winner: 300€

2nd: 200€

3rd: 100€

Each finalist: 30 euros



The IT Student of the Year Challenge Spain is an online IT competition designed to inspire creative and dynamic computer science Students & young Professionals located in Spain.

The challenge is played online and open for a period of 10 weeks. Registration is free and open during the entire duration of the Challenge.

The participants have 10 minutes to give the correct answer(s) to 15 questions. Follow the steps to participate:


  1. Sign up on Sign in on your profile


  2. Select one of the four challenge flavours :

  • Software engineering flavour
  • Network & Infrastructure flavour
  • Cybersecurity flavour
  • Data flavour

Each flavour has a general set of questions and a majority of questions in the flavour topic! You can participate in more than one flavour!


  3. Take a deep breath & click "Participate"



Jury et ambassadeurs

Marisa Gil
Associate Professor
Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya
Tirso Rodeiro
Assistant Professor Of Computer Science
Universidad de A Coruna
Jesus Fontecha
Senior Lecturer Of Computer Science
Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha
Julio Seijas
Adjunct Professor
IE Business School
Carles Bonet Papell
Professor Cicle Formatiu Grau Superior Informàtica
Universitario y de Ciclos formativos de Grado Superior
Isabel Marti Ruiz
Profesora de informática
IES Jose Rodrigo Botet
Eva García López
Vice-dean of the Polytechnic School
Universidad de Alcalá
Pablo Sampedro Ruiz
Adjunct Professor
ISchool of Science and Technology
Alberto Nogales Moyano
Universidad Francisco de Vitoria
Josu Maiora
Associate Professor
University of The Basque Country
Bojan Mihaljevic
Assistant Professor
Rafael Capilla
Professor of Software Engineering
Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Vladimir Estivill-Castro
Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Jesus Perez Martinez
Fernando J. Pérez Rodríguez
Data Science Master Professor
ENAE Business School
Jesús López Lobo
Affiliate Professor
Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
José A. Ruipérez Valiente
Associate Professor
Universidad de Murcia
Agusti Solanas
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Oliver Diaz
Associate Professor
Universitat de Barcelona
Laura Arjona
Assistant Professor
University of Deusto
Carlos Moral Rubio
Associate Professor
Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Yago Saez
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
José M. Andión
Assistant Profesoor
University of A Coruna
Ana Serrano
Assistant Professor
Universidad de Zaragoza
Carlos Moreno Morera
Master Director
Jose Luis Blanco Claraco
Full Professor
Universidad de Almería
Oriol Saguillo Gonzalez
Teaching Assistant
University of Barcelona
Jesús García Herrero
Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
Hind Azegrouz
Associate Professor
IE School of Science and Technology

Scores calculation :

You will have to give the correct answer to 15 questions in maximum 10 minutes!

  • A good answer gives you 1 point
  • A wrong answer or skipped answer results in a score of 0
  • In case of a tie, time counts

You can skip questions and come back to the skipped questions later. Not everyone has the same questions, or the order may differ, so there's no point in trying the quiz several times or doing it together.



The 30 best scores among all participants (the 4 flavours combined) will be invited to participate in the final. Only the finalists present at the final will win a prize.


We are very gratefull to all the Professors listed below who contributed to the organization of this challenge by sending us questions




Data Privacy:


The Challenge runs on a secure platform managed by Editx. Editx will collect the following personal data of the participants: first name, last name, date of birth, email, mobile and school/University. Personal data is used for the following purposes:

  • To monitor the correct competition process
  • To analyse and optimise EDITx
  • To set up the stat board & leaderboard at the end of the Challenge

Editx will use the contact details of the participants for the following purposes: 

  • To deliver the prizes to the best participants
  • To share the results of the challenge