We are inviting all Project Managers to participate in the first Project Management Challenge of the Benelux. From early May to end of June 2017, EDITx and Threon organize the Challenge consisting of an on-line test and a final on July 4th in the offices of Threon in Ghent (18.00 Hr – 22.00 Hr). The finalists will compete there for the Benelux Project Manager Champion 2017.
How to participate?
Registration is open during the entire duration of the challenge. You only need to register on EDITx.
How is the challenge organized?
You will have 15 minutes to give the correct answer to as many questions as you can (up to 30). The questions are multiple-choice with one and only one right answer.
The quiz allows the usage of two ‘jokers’: the "50/50", forcing the on-line test to take out half of the answers and the "Ask the challengers", whereby the percentage of the challengers choosing each answer is displayed to you.
Members of the jury:
The members of the jury are selected from public and private sector, including the academic world. They have taken the challenge to build up the content of the challenge.
Jury et ambassadeurs
The topics of the questions:
The Challenge covers the full life cycle of a generic project, and terminology has been aligned to the ISO 21500 standard.
Pre-project | Definition | Design & Development | Implementation | Closing |
ISO 21500: 2012 - Guidance on project management | ||||
Integration | Stakeholders | Cost | Quality | Resources |
Scope | Time | Communication | Risk | Procurement |
The level of the questions and related scoring:
The on-line test contains questions with 3 levels of difficulty: Low, Medium and High with an associated score 1, 2 or 3 points, if answered correctly. A wrong answer results in a score of (-1) irrespective the level of the question. The total score will be the cumulative score of all questions answered within the set timeframe of 15 minutes. When you skip a question, you win nor lose points.
Low | Straight forward knowledge test | Remembering: Recall or retrieve previous learned information. |
Low | Rephrased terms & definitions | Understanding: Comprehending the meaning, translation, interpolation, and interpretation of instructions and problems. State a problem in one's own words. |
Medium | Practice questions on use of a technique | Applying: Use a concept in a new situation or unprompted use of an abstraction. Applies what was learned in the classroom into novel situations in the work place. |
High | Situational questions | Analyzing: Separates material or concepts into component parts so that its organizational structure may be understood. Distinguishes between facts and inferences. |
High | Situational questions | Evaluating: Make judgments about the value of ideas or materials. |
Rules of the Challenge
Participants must be over 18 years old and be Benelux residents. The Challenge is not open for staff of Threon. One registration per person is permitted. The participant must compete in his or her own name. Personal information of the participant may be checked through different channels. Personal information must be accurate. Inaccurate or false information given by the participant will disqualify the participant. The participant will be able to access the Challenge once s/he clicks "Participate" button and has completed his/her registration. If any participant is found having multiple profiles for any kind of reasons while participating in the contest for any kind of reasons, he/she will be disqualified for the event.
At the end of on-line contest at least 8 finalists are invited for the final.
What will be displayed at the end of the challenge?
Your score and position in the leaderboard will be communicated at the end of the challenge and only visible to you. The details of the contest are shown to all players at the end of the Challenge, avoiding hereby that questions are shared among players during the Challenge. If you rank among the top 25 participants after the on-line test, your Name, First-name and score will be posted on the leaderboard and visible to the public.
Data privacy & Information Sharing
The Challenge runs on a secure platform managed by EDITx. Participant personal data will be collected by EDITx: firstname, lastname, address, date of birth, email address, telephone number and Linkedin profile (if present). Personal data are used for the following purposes:
- To monitor the correct competition process;
- To analyze and optimize EDITx
- To set up the Statboard & Leaderboard at the end of the challenge
EDITx shares the personal information (Last Name, First Name, Mobile and Email) of the participants with & only with the Owner of the challenge Threon and with any governmental agency or Authority in Belgium or authority at their request (in case of irregularities).