Top roles



Officer in Operations Center
Officer in Logistics
Officer at command center and dispatcher department
Coordinator officer for Mobile Emergency, Resuscitation and
Release Service SMURD
Direct collaboration with IT department for Documents
Management Software (documentation, analysis, testing and
quality, audit, product owner management)
Documents Management and Flow Creation/Flow Approval, Visual
Studio IDE, .NET MVC, SQL Server, TFS (for project management),
DEV/UAT/PROD environments, 2 level intranet security (not secret for
exterior SMTP and one high level security level under military security
clearance), REST API for intrer apps comunication, Automation Testing
(Unit testing NUnit, MSTest, UI Automation)
Part of Audit Team as internal as well as external from HQ (Head
Quarters Commandment)
In charge for external training of the representatives of differents
institutions that was sending documents by SMTP to our military
institution (policies to be respacted, protocols and other related subject
In charge for internal training regarding documents managment, flow,
approval evolution
master degree
Mechanics, electronics and information technology
Programmer les microcontrôleurs
I.U.T Paul Sabatier Toulouse
Socrates Scholarships Genie electrique et informatique industrielle