Top roles




• Worked as a full stack developer within the Identity team using various technologies like: Laravel; Vue.js; MySQL; Docker.
• Participated in code reviews and maintained high-quality standards throughout codebase.
• Collaborated with senior software engineers to develop and test application procedures for system efficiency.
• Worked according to agile principles for software delivery using the SDLC.

Courses included:
• Computer Graphics and Animation. Developed an interactive computer graphics application using WebGL and Three.js that focused on rendering elements (lighting, shadow, shading, use of material) and organizing 3D models on the scene graph including geometry deformation of such elements.
• Cloud Computing and Web APIs. Researched, developed and deployed a web solution that integrates third party web services enabling the visualization of live climate change data on a map using the Twitter, Google Maps, and OpenWeatherMap APIs.
• Individual Computing Project. Investigated, designed, implemented and deployed a trip planning system that would support tourists in arranging a visit to Romania and simply the overall process using modern technologies like Laravel, VueJS, and Docker.
• Team Project and Professionalism. Liaised with three fellow students and stakeholders while under lecturer supervision to develop a content management system for a private kindergarten using modern technologies like ReactJS.
• Internet of Things. Developed a smart parking system using an Arduino board and several sensors to detect object proximity that could be monitored using a web-based platform in order to highlight an empty or occupied parking space.