Are you a JavaScript ninja? Do you know the JS specs by heart "lol"? Are you the next JavaScript master?
The BeJS team is organizing a JavaScript challenge to promote the JavaScript ecosystem in Europe and BeJS conf: The first JavaScript gathering in the heart of Europe!
Participate in this challenge by answering a few questions as fast as you can.. Be the best and join hundreds of fellow JS enthusiasts for a day full of JS fun at BeJS conf (Brussels & online) on the 13th of May 2022...
Was not able to be the first? you still win: You will receive by mail an exclusive 40% discount for BeJS conf just after your participation in the challenge.
BeJS stands for the Belgian JavaScript Community. We organize meetups, coding challenges, coding competitions, workshops and different types of events about JavaScript. The subjects we tackle are: JavaScript, Typescript, React, Angular, NodeJS, NextJS, BlitzJS, NuxtJS, Remix, Vue, Express, GraphQL and anything related to JavaScript and JavaScript developers. We are also interested in non-technical subjects such as leadership, Tech entrepreneurship, DevRel, DX and such ...
After we organized our first international conference on the 15th of October 2021 (REACT BRUSSELS 2021) and turned out to be a successful online gathering, we have decided to move forward to create our BeJS brand conference (BeJS conf), in order to keep our community in the loop of JavaScript updates, hot issues and new ways of coding... By doing so, we are aiming to become one of the largest JavaScript meetings in Europe
BeJS conf will take place on the 13th of May 2022 in BLUEPOINT BRUSSELS BeJS conf will be in a Hybrid format (onsite + online)
Jury and ambassadors
How to participate?
Registration is open during the entire duration of the challenge. You only need to register on EDITx.
How is the challenge organized?
You will have 10 minutes to give the correct answer to as many questions as you can (max 15). The questions will be multiple-choice with one good or several answers.
If you are qualified or if you rank among the 20 best participants, your name, first name and score will be posted on the leaderboard.
In case of a tie, the timeframe to answer the questions will determine the order in the leaderboard.
Everyone can participate but only european residents over 18 years old are eligible to win the prizes.
- One registration per person is authorized.
- The participant can only compete in his own name and not for someone else.
- Personal information of the participant may be checked through different sources.
- Personal information must be accurate.
- Inaccurate or false information given by the participant will invalid the registration or entail the loss of the Prize.
In the context of this competition, the following data about the participants will be collected and processed: name, address, date of birth, email address, telephone number and possibly Linkedin profile. The organizers’ servers will automatically save specific data such as: adress, date and time. Personal data are collected and processed for the following uses:
- To enable and oversee the correct competition process
- To analyze and optimize EDITx
- To set up the Statboard & Leaderboard at the end of the challenge
EDITx shares the personal information (Mobile number and Email) of the participants with and only with the Belgian JavaScript Community.