17 décembre 2022
UMONS - Grands Amphithéâtres (auditoire Van Gogh), Av. du Champ de Mars, 7000 Mons
Programme et réservation des billets ici : https://gdg-mons.be/
Only participants of the DEVFEST MONS 2022 can participate to this quiz on 17 december 2022 during the event!
You will be invited to participate during the DEVFEST.
Scores calculation :
You will have to give the correct answer to 10 questions in maximum 5 minutes!
- A good answer gives you 1 point
- A wrong answer or skipped answer results in a score of 0
You can skip questions and come back to the skipped questions later.
Time counts!
The following personal data about the participants will be collected by EDITx: first name, last name, address, date of birth, email, telephone/mobile number and Linkedin profile (if present). Personal data are used for the following purposes:
- To see if everything runs according to the rules
- To set up the statboard & leaderboard at the end of the Challenge
EDITx shares the personal information of the participants only with the challenge partners : the organisation of the DEVFEST Mons 2022.