Finals IT Student Challenge Belgium 2023
07/03/2023 jusqu'au 08/03/2023
10 minutes

The IT Student Challenge Belgium is a quiz designed to inspire creative and dynamic computer science students located in Belgium.  The sponsors are Cisco, NTT, Computacenter, Simac and Interligo !

You will have to give the correct answer to 20 questions in maximum 15 minutes!

  • A good answer gives you 1 point
  • A wrong answer or skipped answer results in a score of 0


The following personal data about the participants will be collected by EDITx: first name, last name, address, date of birth, email, telephone/mobile number and Linkedin profile (if present). Personal data are used for the following purposes:

  • To see if everything runs according to the rules
  • To set up the statboard & leaderboard at the end of the Challenge

EDITx shares the personal information of the participants with the challenge partners.

The partners will use this information only for the following purposes:

  • To contact all participants by mail to share their results confidentially
  • To contact interested participants about future internships or job opportunities